Waikato Breast Cancer Research Trust

Tar’s Candle Co is a proud supporter of the Waikato Breast Cancer Research Trust

The Waikato Breast Cancer Research Trust was established in 2000 by a group of breast cancer specialist doctors and nurses at Waikato Hospital who wanted to make clinical trials possible and accessible to those diagnosed with breast cancer. The Waikato District Health Board receives only a nominal amount of Government funding for research. So the Trust became a platform for fundraising, receiving donations and submitting grants to enable research to continue which offers better outcomes for women in the Waikato and throughout New Zealand. 

Research is the best weapon against the fight on breast cancer. By providing wāhine/women with access to clinical trials and with advanced knowledge, best-practice treatments are developed and offered. 

With each clinical trial costing at least $200,000 the Waikato Breast Cancer Research Trust rely on the generosity of the public to continue their evidence-based breast cancer research in pursuit of the best possible outcome for those women affected.

Support The Waikato Breast Cancer Research Trust by purchasing a candle from Tar's Candle Co


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